Our Blog

Experiences Make Us Happier
Buy Experiences and Feel Happier Life experience not material possessions lead to the greatest happiness. A walk in nature, vacation getaway or evening with friends…

Strengthen Your MindBody Connection: Heart Rate Variability
Heart Rate Variability & The Vagus Nerve While working at Sanoviv Medical Institute, a world-renowned functional medical hospital, we learned about one of the most…

Universal Signs
The other day as we were rushing to make it to the gym for a spin class, we had an awe-inspiring gift from the Universe…

7 Ways Your Ego Sabotages Your Meditation Practice (& what to do about it)
Meditative Mind Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there —buried under…

Learn the five steps of the Loving Kindness Meditation to open your heart
Compassion – Open Your Heart We attended the Global Meditation for Compassion this past Saturday at the Chopra Institute in San Diego, Ca. With smiles…

2 Words Can Change Your Life – Power of Thank You & Gratitude
If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you it would be enough. —Meister Eckhart Thank You We are…

Rewiring your brain takes more then positive thinking
5 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes. Neuroscientists have discovered the strategy for rewiring the brain. Contrary to popular approaches, this strategy…

Hormone Boost from Holiday Socials
Get a Hormone Boost from Your Holiday Socials Did you know that the holidays offer an opportunity for you to strengthen one of the top…

Get Out of Your Own Way
Getting In Your Own Way A ship is safe in harbor but that is not what ships are for. ~ William Shedd Purpose is positively…