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Brainspotting Therapy
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    Brainspotting Therapy is a Powerful Modality for Healing Trauma and Emotional Stress

    Brainspotting therapy gets to the root cause of trauma, emotional issues and addictions.

    If you…

    • feel stuck or that you have plateaued in your healing
    • are tired of talking about issues and still dealing with symptoms
    • have tried other approaches without lasting results
    • feel there is more to explore and uncover but don’t know how to get there
    Brainspotting can take you to the next level.
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    Brainspotting therapy is one of the most effective therapies for changing unhealthy habits, healing trauma and resolving emotional issues. In this article we are going to share how Brainspotting can support you on your journey of healing and improved mental health.

    We will answer questions to help you better understand Brainspotting such as:

    • What is Brainspotting?
    • Who Developed Brainspotting?
    • What is the Brainspot?
    • What issues does Brainspotting treat?
    • How and why does Brainspotting work?
    • How effective is Brainspotting?

    What is Brainspotting and Brainspotting Therapy?

    Brainspotting Defined

    Brainspotting is defined as an advanced brain-body therapy that focuses on identifying, processing, and releasing trauma, mental health imbalances and residual emotional stress. It is based on the premise that ‘where you look affects how you feel’ and finds that eye positions correlate with unconscious, emotional experiences. When you focus on an eye position related to an upsetting issue, you release the emotional and physical stress within the issue. Brainspotting reaches parts of the brain that are not generally accessed in traditional talk therapy and most other types of therapy.

    Brainspotting therapy supports the reprocessing of negative experiences and retrains emotional reactions resulting in a decrease of physical and emotional symptoms and improved overall mental health. It incorporates bilateral stimulation, compassionate attunement and brain-body processing leading to rapid and effective change.

    David Grand Developed Brainspotting

    Brainspotting, developed by David Grand, has roots in EMDR therapy, somatic experiencing, relational and insight-oriented therapy. It supports the reprocessing of negative experiences and retrains emotional reactions.

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    What is the “Brainspot”?

    The brainspot is the eye position that connects to the implicit traumatic memory capsule containing the traumatic experience and brings it from a more unconscious state into a fuller explicit awareness where it can be processed and healed. As the brainspot is sustained with focused mindful attention, the information in the traumatic memory capsule is released and the body and mind move towards greater equilibrium. As implicit (unconscious) memories are brought up into explicit (conscious) awareness they can be dealt with and moved into a part of the brain that allows us to move forward in our lives.

    human brain graphic

    Brainspotting Therapy Helps Psychological Trauma

    Brainspotting has been shown to be highly effective in a wide range of settings. It is not only used as a form of therapy to address mental health issues but also a powerful therapy for performance enhancement, public speaking and health issues.

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    How Brainspotting Therapy Works...

    Brainspotting can be used as a primary mode of therapy as well as in conjunction with traditional talk therapy, EMDR therapy and other types of therapy. For individuals who feel like they have plateaued in their healing or those who are not finding relief in more traditional approaches, Brainspotting offers new possibilities for breakthrough, healing and improved mental health.

    People report having deeper and more profound releases with Brainspotting as compared to other brain-based, body based, talk therapy and traditional types of therapy. The brain is re-stabilizing, resourcing, and rebooting itself during Brainspotting and the processing often continues to occur after the session has ended.  A doorway has been opened and information will continue to come up and out for releasing and healing. Given much of this information is sensory and nonverbal, it is common to not be able to put into words all that has happened. What often occurs are new insights emerge, internal shifts happen, and the issue feels neutralized. This may happen over the course of the session or in the hours, days, weeks or even years that follow.

    In the age of holistic health, brain-body approaches are increasingly sought after for treating simple and complex issues. Brainspotting is a newer mind-body therapy that is showing a lot of promise in its ability to provide relief for trauma, anxiety, depression, and daily stressors.

    Why Brainspotting Works...

    Trauma lives in the experience (not the event). When trauma occurs, it overwhelms the system and we are not able to process everything that happened. The primitive brain takes over and if we are unable to fight or flee to escape the situation, we shut down to survive. Once here, the body’s central nervous system makes it difficult to get out. We lose track of the details making it challenging to recall what happened after the fact. The traumatic experiences get stored at a sensory, visceral, and often nonverbal level in our implicit memory. This puts a lot of stress on the mind-body system, is exhausting and inevitably is not sustainable.

    Consequently, the following tend to arise:

    • Nightmares
    • Flashbacks
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Irritability
    • Phobias
    • Panic Attacks
    • Isolation
    • Physical discomfort
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    These symptoms are not easily associated with the original trauma and thus it can be confusing as to where they are coming from. Adding to this confusion is the fact that the outside world is generally obsessed with what happened and recalling the details of the events, but this is not where trauma lives. It lives in the response not the traumatic event, in the sensory experience not verbalized cognitions. This is another reason people feel ashamed, isolated, confused and even crazy following a trauma event. Equally, it is why talking about it won’t make it go away. As long as the memories or experiences are suspended in implicit (unconscious) memory they cannot be fully let go.

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    Attachment and Coregulation

    Another way Brainspotting helps move from dysregulation to self-regulation is through the mindful presence of the therapist. Research shows that the safe, caring support of another person moves us into the part of our brain-body connection for healing. Brainspotting’s dual attunement frame activates regulation by supporting an individual to reconsolidate traumatic energy and memory and move into greater homeostasis. It is through the safety and compassionate presence of the therapist that implicit traumatic memory becomes activated and can be moved into explicit memory.

    • Stop Hypervigilance and Hyper-Scanning

    • Cognitive Therapy: Why Talking About Issues Does Not Resolve Issues

    • Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Approach

    How to prepare for Brainspotting therapy?

    Brainspotting allows you to process unresolved issues, transform unwanted habits, breakthrough addictions, heal physical pain and emotional trauma, forgive and release hurts, regulate your body’s central nervous system and let go of unwanted patterns. It can be helpful to identify areas you would like to work on and heal. You do not have to have specific memories or incidents in mind yet be aware of the patterns or issues you want to work on. Your practitioner will help you to clarify what’s important for Brainspotting at the beginning of your brainspotting session.

    What to expect during and after Brainspotting?

    Brainspotting is a powerful trauma therapy that helps process and unravel stuck and unresolved issues. It can bring up feelings to express, sensations to release and sometimes memories to process. It often leads to powerful insights, revelations and new perspectives on old issues. It is not a form of therapy that one does on their own. In fact, it works because of the compassionate support and presence of the Brainspotting practitioner. After Brainspotting the therapy continues to work during the hours, days and weeks to follow. Expect to continue to feel the unwinding and unfolding of the process as the mind and body integrate the experience. Many people notice key insights coming through in the days following that they bring to the next session for processing.

    How effective is Brainspotting online?

    Brainspotting is very effective online over the telephone or video session. The same steps are followed in the brainspotting session whether online or in person. There are many benefits to doing online Brainspotting such as:

    • The convenience and comfort of being in your own space
    • The flexibility to work with a specialist certified in Brainspotting that may not be in your area
    • The ability to work with a Brainspotting practitioner of your choice that has been referred
    • Saving time and energy traveling to and from appointments

    Brainspotting Therapy FAQs

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    how Brainspotting can help you heal.

    Hilary Stokes Ph.D. and Kim Ward Ph.D. have been a team for 25 years, specializing in mind, body, spirit psychology. They are the authors of the bestselling books The Happy Map: Your roadmap to the habit of happiness and Manifesting Mindset: The 6-step formula for attracting your goals and dreams and founders of Authenticity Associates Coaching and Counseling. They are passionate about combining the best of holistic and traditional approaches to health and happiness.

    Hilary Stokes and Kim Ward sitting

    Brainspotting References Resources

    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

    Brainspotting: Recruiting the midbrain for accessing and healing sensorimotor memories of traumatic activation

    Brainspotting: Sustained attention, spinothalamic tracts, thalamocortical processing, and the healing of adaptive orientation truncated by traumatic experience

    Polyvagal Theory

    About the Authors

    A smiling woman with blond hair, wearing a pink top, posing outdoors with greenery in the background.

    Hilary Stokes Phd

    Dr. Hilary Stokes is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in San Diego, California. Dr. Hilary received her PhD in psychology with a specialty in transpersonal psychology from San Diego University for Integrative Studies, a master’s degree in social work from San Diego State University and a master’s degree in Sport Psychology from San Jose State University. 

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    A woman with short blonde hair smiling, wearing a striped shirt, with pink flowers and greenery in the background.

    Kim Ward Phd

    Dr. Kim Ward received her PhD in psychology with a specialty in transpersonal psychology from San Diego University for Integrative Studies. She also holds a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. Dr. Kim is a certified trauma-informed coach and life coach in private practice in San Diego, California. 

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    Teletherapy sessions available nationwide via Zoom and FaceTime.

    Our office is located in Carlsbad, CA 92009. We also do nationwide online therapy sessions.

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