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- Manifesting Mindset
- Discover Happiness Now
- Day 18: Why is it important to make peace with where you are right now?
- Day 20: Why focus on strengths vs. weaknesses?
- Day 16: Why is your EQ as important as your IQ?
- Day 15: Why is visualization more valuable than action?
- Day 9: Why do people sabotage their own success?
- Day 11: Why are guilt and shame the top reasons people return to unhealthy habits?
- Day 12: What is the value of Spiritual Practice?
- Day 17: What is the most important step to stop procrastination and laziness?
- Day 7: What is the biggest mistake people make that keeps them stuck in negative emotion?
- Day 5: What are the two most important steps to let go of the past?
- Day 19: How does your brain process language?
- Day 4: Can you use your mind to heal your body?
- Day 1: Do you have to deal with the past in order to feel good in the present?
- Day 6: How do I discover life purpose?
- Day 10: How do I move beyond short term results and into long term change?
- Day 3: How do you meditate?
- Day 8: How do you release the stress that keeps you from your goal?
- Day 13: How do you work smart vs. working hard?
- Day 2: How is Holistic coaching different than talk therapy?
- Thank You!
- Day 14: What are the facts vs. your interpretations of the situation?
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Products by Category
- Emotions Are Energy Meditation
- Bioenergetic Chakra Meditation (Digital Audio File)
- Loving Kindness Meditation (Digital Audio File)
- Manifesting Mindset: The 6-Step Formula for Attracting Your Goals & Dreams
- The Happy Map: Your roadmap to the habit of happiness
- Meditation Bundle (Digital Audio File)
- Whole Body Relaxation (Digital Audio File)
- Breathe Your Way to Health (Digital Audio File)
Blog Post
- Emotions Are Energy : The bodymind connection and e-motion
- Brainspotting vs EMDR – A Comparison and Key Differences
- What Is The Difference Between Somatic Therapy And Brainspotting
- What to Expect from a Brainspotting Therapy Session
- Science of Brainspotting
- The Collective Numbing of COVID19
- These Mindfulness Techniques & Strategies are Great for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, Trauma, and Encouraging Healing
- The coronavirus pandemic is causing emotional pandemonium. Here’s how to stay calm during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- The Happy Map Radio Interview: Your roadmap to happiness
- Heal Trauma & PTSD : Mind-body therapy heals emotional trauma
- Healthy Relationships : Communication & emotional connection
- 4 Steps To Happiness: Rewire Your Brain with The Happy Map Technique
- Life Lessons from Athletes
- Make a Difference in The World ~ The Buddhist Way
- The Heart of Connection
- Self-Love: Love Yourself for Healthy Relationships
- Choose Love
- Science shows how decreasing stress is necessary to increasing happiness
- Experiences Make Us Happier
- Strengthen Your MindBody Connection: Heart Rate Variability
- Universal Signs
- 7 Ways Your Ego Sabotages Your Meditation Practice (& what to do about it)
- Learn the five steps of the Loving Kindness Meditation to open your heart
- 2 Words Can Change Your Life – Power of Thank You & Gratitude
- Rewiring your brain takes more then positive thinking
- Hormone Boost from Holiday Socials
- Get Out of Your Own Way
- Purpose in Life
- 5 science backed strategies to practice gratitude and appreciation
- Nutritional Stress Management
- Bodymind & The #1 Health Challenge
- Mind in Your Cells
- Mind-Body Connection
- Nature’s Best Energy Electrolyte Drink
- Your Perception, Your Reality
- Your Potential vs. Average
- Reaching Your Success Potential?
- Discover how body sensations carry the keys to happiness
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Happiness Paradigm Shift
- Kale The New Superfood
- Meditate to Increase Your Focus and De-Clutter Working Memory
- Learn what zaps your brain power and what you can do about it
- Focus to Achieve Your Goals
- February’s Favorite Flavor
- What roads have you been traveling on?
- Your Neural Architecture
- Wired for Change
- Work Smart vs. Working Hard
- Healthy Mind Healthy Body : 5 keys to happiness
- The Spiritual Path of An Open Heart
- Programming Your Mind for Success
- New Years Resolutions Success
- The Quantum Mechanics of Changing Thoughts
- The Matrix of Relationship
- Quantum Mechanics & Your Authentic Potential
- Reach Your Authentic Potential: NeuroLinguistic Programming
- Happiness Set Point
- Neural Plasticity: 4 Steps to Change Your Brain & Habits
- Science proves how your brain can be rewired through neural plasticity
- Neural Plasticity Creates Solutions
- 5 steps to become more emotionally aware and emotionally intelligent
- Transforming Challenges Into Opportunities
- Tapping into your strengths will help you achieve your goals
- Know Your Change Saboteurs to Achieve Your Goals
- Power of The Present
- Leveraged Power of The 80/20 Rule
- 3 guidelines for practicing one of the most common types of meditation
- How to practice the Centering Meditation step by step
- Success Mindset
- Sideline Power & Subjective Intention
- Success Myth
- 2 steps to move your emotional energy and feel better
- Relationship Myths and Conscious Communication
- Relationship Fact: Love is a Conscious Choice
- What Is Your Purpose In Life?
- Meditation: A Powerful Relaxation Technique & Force For Change
- Learn a powerful exercise to get present and become more emotionally authentic
- A simple practice for using your mind to acheive your goals
- Conscious communication has as much to do with listening to your inner dialogue as it does to hearing what others are saying
- Transform Your Habits By Conditioning Your Brain
- The Real Purpose of Emotion
- Steps to Achieving Your Authentic Potential
- Neuroscience of Emotion
- Higher Purpose of Relationships
- How to Master Your Emotions
- Discover why focusing on what you want is essential to attracting it into your life