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I have personally worked with both Kim and Hilary. Their work is effective, straightforward and full of compassion. I recommend them without hesitation.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
Author of the best-selling book Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom

Hilary and Kim bring compassionate clarity and understanding to their clients. Their tools are effective in building relationship bridges and fostering authentic communication. I found their approach to be refreshing and disarming. I would recommend them to anyone seeking improvement in their relationships, personal excellence or health.

Yolanda King
Civil Rights Leader, Author, Speaker, Actress

I employed Kim Ward, Ph.D. and Hilary Stokes, Ph.D. for 8 years and found them to be a dynamic team dedicated to making a positive difference in the world. During that time they developed and managed the Psychology, Spirituality and Fitness Programs at Sanoviv Medical Institute. They demonstrated commitment, integrity and the utmost professionalism. I have great confidence in their capabilities and believe they will be an asset to any individual or organization.

Four adults posing for a photo at a social gathering, smiling and holding drinks.
Dr. Myron Wentz
Founder USANA Health Sciences & Sanoviv Medical Institute

Authenticity is the ideal word to describe my trusted colleagues, Dr. Hilary Stokes and Dr. Kim Ward. Their seminars, counseling, and publishing are leading edge in terms of scientific research and feature the synergistic power of mind, body, and spirit to enhance total health and fulfuillment for individuals, couples, teams, and organizations. They represent the very best in our field professionally and personally.

Dr. Denis Waitley
Author of "The Psychology of Winning"

Dr. Stokes and Dr. Ward are a dynamic team. I personally gained remarkable headway in my life and physical health as a result of working with them. I would recommend them to anyone looking for passionate and professional expertise.

Richard Andrews
Former White House Aid

Kim Ward, Ph.D. and Hilary Stokes, Ph.D. are a passionate and talented team. I wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone seeking extraordinary results in their work, health and life.

Prudence Conley

During my role as project manager for the construction and start-up of the Sanoviv project, Hilary's intuition, insight & coaching enabled me to focus on seeking out the positive aspects of every situation. This allowed me to perform at a consistently higher level to achieve and exceed the goals & objectives set for the project. A true & lasting learning experience, discovering my personal power.

Warren Te Brugge
Founder Manzimvula Values Based Consulting

As a living, breathing testimonial, I will say thanks to the expertise and positive energies of Dr. Stokes and Dr. Ward, my life has become all the more centered and wonderfully more enlightened.

P.C. Artist
Phoenix, AZ

Wonderful, caring counselors! Drs. Kim and Hilary are wonderful counselors and coaches. My patients that I refer to them just love them! I feel very confident that they are the best at helping people to reach their true potential.

Dr. Elaine Borseth
Business Owner, Borseth Chiropractic

A Life Changing Event! I have known Dr. Kim Ward and Dr. Hilary Stokes for almost two years. In that time I have gotten to know them both on a professional level, and a personal level. They run a remarkable practice that addresses a multitude of mind, body and spirit practices for individuals and couples. My initial focus in starting regular sessions was stress management. I have always had a difficult time dealing with stress and wanted to make a change. How could I have known that making one phone call would change my life. If you want to see the world in a different way if you are ready to take care of yourself in ways you never thought possible then make the call. Trust me. If I can do it so can you. Dr. Ward and Dr. Stokes are amazing!

Cooper Barron
Business Owner, Call Us Plumbers

Two caring and widely educated healers! I have experienced Dr Ward's amazing Breathing Session. Relaxation in the highest! Dr Stokes has worked with my niece and has giver her unique tools THAT WORK! What a blessing they have been to our family!

Laura Brownwood
Wellness Consultant

Wonderful People Brilliant Healers! My friend went to Kim for a while (he had suffered a difficult break-up). Now I can't believe the change in him. He gushed to me how much he enjoyed meeting with Kim. When is the last time you ever heard anyone gush to you about their therapist?? I have friends who have sent their friends to Kim and Hillary to rave reviews. I have known Kim for a year and have met Hillary several times, and they are both the kinds of people who you instantly feel connected to. Very warm and vibrant. I have also heard them speak on many occasions which demonstrated to me their commitment to their profession and to their clients. I know that their rates are very competitive for therapy in San Diego, and they bring an approach that I think can give much quicker results than traditional talk or cognitive-behavioral therapy. The next time I hit a rough patch in my life, I am surely seeking their help.

Charlie Fields
Fitness Trainer

So much more than Counseling! It is impossible to explain in 250 words what Kim and Hillary do. There isn't a single person who would not benefit from their services. Their approach to stress management alone is probably one of the most effective and universally needed services anyone can offer. I am truly grateful for having met them.

Joey Panwitz
Video Production Owner at Beyond Vision

An Excellent Alternative! Kim and Hillary are great. I love that they use alternative medicine and a holistic approach to counseling. I feel comfortable talking with them, and always leave with a fresh approach on my life. Thank you for helping me to fine tune my goals and work on myself. I believe in Authenticity Associates, the practices, and the individuals. I would recommend them to anyone who needs to do some self-exploration. Great Counselors!!

Kyla Akasha
Business Owner, Spotlight Studios Photography

Holistic and Balanced! Dr Kim and Dr Hilary are a wonderful team who work diligently to help others. They work with individuals who have experienced loss, confusion, addiction, etc. They focus on the person's well being and health. If you have issues you can't resolve on your own or if simply need someone to talk to, do contact them. They will help.

Peggy Jucha
Send Out Cards

Wonderful holistic approach! I have met with Dr Kim Ward and am very pleased with her approach to counseling. I found her to be sensitive, intuitive and intelligent. I sent a family member to her and got rave reviews from them as well.

David Yoder
Yoder Real Estate

Need help taking a deep breath and relaxing? You two will always be special to me! Thank you for reaching deep into me and for the continued support in my life.

Sally Hall
Senior Advisor, Raymond James Financial

A holistic approach to therapy! Kim and Hilary are two of the most authentic, grounded, and giving people I know. Their approach to transformational growth is based solidly in years of professional training (both of them Dr's!) with a wide range of different modalities to use that embrace the entire person's well being.

Denise Wallace
Wallace Graphic Design

Dr. Ward & Dr. Stokes you guys were SO fantastic yesterday!!!! That was the best presentation that I've seen you do. I was so inspired. I'm so glad we got that on DVD because I know many more will want to see it. Package that seminar! AWESOME. It is such a pleasure to work with you both. Thank you, thank you thank you! I am grateful for the both of you!

Sue Ward, M.A.
Program Manager, Mattel Health & Fitness Center

Through my work with Dr. Ward I have truly become the person I want to be. I can now admit to not only loving myself, but liking myself too. She embraces the essence of mind/body/spirit healing and I take pleasure in recommending her to anyone seeking to develop a more authentic relationship with themselves.

Business Executive, Columbus, Ohio

It is through Hilary's presence, insight and compassion that she guided me to the possibilities within myself. In a matter of a couple of sessions I grew closer to my authentic self than I had known possible.

Allison Blythe
Certified Counselor, Victoria, B.C.

Your presentations are always amazing. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You have both played a part in getting me to this place in my life. Thank you so much for being who you are and for supporting me when I needed you. My heart will forever be thankful.

Susan Lemus
,MPH Health Educator,USANA Health Professional, Los Angeles

Thanks for your participation on the stage. I received great feedback from associates. You both have great stage presence and play off each other very well. I was genuinely impressed.

Glen S. Putnam
Director of Quality Assurance USANA Health Sciences, Salt Lake City

Thank you so much for your presentation. I know the individuals who attended this will benefit greatly. In fact, a handful of individuals have already come to my office and expressed their renewed motivation and gratitude for your insightful seminar. Thanks again and I most definitely look forward to working with you in the future!

Alyssa DePompa
CSCS Wellness Coordinator, El Segundo Police Dept.

I was fortunate to work closely with Kim and Hilary during the time I was Director of Marketing for Sanoviv, a medical model health spa and licensed hospital. They were responsible for the psychological, spiritual and physical fitness programs. As I observed their abilities in developing an individual plan of healing for each and every person during their stay at Sanoviv Medical Institute, I was touched and impressed by the wisdom, kindness, professionalism and dedication which Kim and Hilary unfailingly demonstrated, resulting in remarkable and measurable results. They were highly-valued members of the staff, interacting consistently with the medical team to create treatment plans and provide an outstanding level of expertise and care.

Patty N. Smith
Principal Notary on Call, San Diego, CA

Dr. Kim and Dr. Hilary it was great to see you at the Usana convention. You gave a fantastic presentation! We'd love to see more.

Steve & Rose Papp
TEAMPAPP Silver Directors USANA Health Professional, Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Ward and Dr. Stokes bring a rare blend of talent and sensitivity to their clients. Based on their broad base of training experience they are able to customize their programs to meet individual needs. I would recommend Kim and Hilary to anyone.

Cynthia Tercha
Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Sanoviv Medical Institute

Dr. Ward and Dr. Stokes are quite talented and skilled at their work. They hold high standards of excellence. They are an asset to any group who works with them.

Real Estate Investor, Cincinnati, OH

I learned more in a short time with Kim and Hilary than in 10 years of personal development work. I recommend them to anyone who wants to take their life and work to extraordinary levels.

Sharon B.
San Francisco, CA

I now understand that REAL power comes from within. Through my work with Kim and Hilary I have the tools and commitment to create my destiny and follow my heart everyday!

Sydney Meyers
Sun Valley, Idaho

Kim & Hilary offer practical, leading edge tools for personal and professional transformation. I feel confident in my ability to create the life of my dreams.

Victoria Baker
Mpls., MN

First let me start by saying thank you for taking the time to talk to me I truly appreciate it. I have been to many counselors and I really connect with your style. I know in my heart if I did not make that commitment to you last night I would not have made the steps toward getting healthy today, I get that much so thanks! I know I have a lifetime of change and commitment ahead of me and my hope and prayer is one day I totally get it all and have a transformation and never go back, one thing for sure I am never giving up! I might fall off but I will never give up, I will keep trying practice makes perfect! Thanks you so much again, for not only helping me but my family!

Sue M.
Orlando, FLA

I have been seeing Dr. Hilary Stokes for many years. She has literally been a life-saver. I came to her very broken. I had just gotten out of a treatment facility for PTSD & suicidality, though I still battled the suicidal thoughts and had a cutting addiction. Little did I know how skilled Dr. Stokes is in treating trauma. She exhibited a great amount of patience and true dedication to my healing process. As a result, I have not been suicidal or participated in bodily injury in several years!
In addition to being highly-skilled, I have found her to be very warm, compassionate, gentle, open and relatable. She is willing to share a bit about herself if I ask, which for me is important in fostering trust and connection. She is always sensitive to my needs and is empathic... I feel like she is really listening and hearing me. I have come to trust her immensely. She also offers many alternative techniques in addition to the traditional talking model, which is a unique bonus.
I have grown so much and am doing/feeling so much better now than I ever have in my life. I owe a huge chunk of that to Dr. Stokes. Thank you!

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